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Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Justin Bieber - Somebody to Love

Ohhhhh ohoooooo
For you i’d write a syphoney!

I’d tell the violin
It’s time to sink a swim
Watchn’ play for yaaaa!

For you i’d be
But in a thousand miles just get you where you are

Step to the beat of my heart.
I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I

I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!
I know that I won’t be the first one given you all this attention

But Baby listen,

I just need somebody to love

I don’t need to much

Just need Somebody to love.
(just need sombody to love)

I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.

(I need somebody I-I need somebody
I need somebody I-I need somebody)

Everyday I bring the sun around,
I sleep away the clouds.
Smile for me (Smile for me)

I would take,
Every second,
Every single time spend it like my last dime.
Step to the beat of my heart.

I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I
I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!

I know I won’t be the first one,
Given you all this attention.
Baby listen!

I just need somebody to love,
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.

(Repeat 2)
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody.

(Somebody to loooove, somebody to looove.)

I just need somebody to love.

And you can have it all,
Anything you want.
I can bring you, give you,
The finer things yeah!

But what I really want,
I can’t find ’cause,
Money can’t find me.
Somebody to love.

Ohhhhh Whoaaaa

Find me somebody to love oohhh.

I need somebody to love,
I-I don’t need to much
Just somebody to love.
Somebody to love.

I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear,
I just need somebody to love.

I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody.

I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
(I swear I just need somebody to love)
I-I need somebody.

Oh Oh.

I just need somebody to love.

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Faktor-faktor Kegagalan Belajar

Kesulitan Belajar Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah, kita dihadapkan dengan sejumlah karakterisktik siswa yang beraneka ragam. Ada siswa yang dapat menempuh kegiatan belajarnya secara lancar dan berhasil tanpa mengalami kesulitan, namun di sisi lain tidak sedikit pula siswa yang justru dalam belajarnya mengalami berbagai kesulitan. Kesulitan belajar siswa ditunjukkan oleh adanya hambatan-hambatan tertentu untuk mencapai hasil belajar, dan dapat bersifat psikologis, sosiologis, maupun fisiologis, sehingga pada akhirnya dapat menyebabkan prestasi belajar yang dicapainya berada di bawah semestinya.

Siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar seperti tergolong dalam pengertian di atas akan tampak dari berbagai gejala yang dimanifestasikan dalam perilakunya, baik aspek psikomotorik, kognitif, konatif maupun afektif . Beberapa perilaku yang merupakan manifestasi gejala kesulitan belajar, antara lain :
1. Menunjukkan hasil belajar yang rendah di bawah rata-rata nilai yang dicapai oleh kelompoknya atau di bawah potensi yang dimilikinya.
2. Hasil yang dicapai tidak seimbang dengan usaha yang telah dilakukan. Mungkin ada siswa yang sudah berusaha giat belajar, tapi nilai yang diperolehnya selalu rendah
3. Lambat dalam melakukan tugas-tugas kegiatan belajarnya dan selalu tertinggal dari kawan-kawannya dari waktu yang disediakan.
4. Menunjukkan sikap-sikap yang tidak wajar, seperti: acuh tak acuh, menentang, berpura-pura, dusta dan sebagainya.
5. Menunjukkan perilaku yang berkelainan, seperti membolos, datang terlambat, tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, mengganggu di dalam atau pun di luar kelas, tidak mau mencatat pelajaran, tidak teratur dalam kegiatan belajar, dan sebagainya.
6. Menunjukkan gejala emosional yang kurang wajar, seperti : pemurung, mudah tersinggung, pemarah, tidak atau kurang gembira dalam menghadapi situasi tertentu. Misalnya dalam menghadapi nilai rendah, tidak menunjukkan perasaan sedih atau menyesal, dan sebagainya.

Untuk dapat menetapkan gejala kesulitan belajar dan menandai siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar, maka diperlukan kriteria sebagai batas atau patokan, sehingga dengan kriteria ini dapat ditetapkan batas dimana siswa dapat diperkirakan mengalami kesulitan belajar.


Learning difficulties in learning activities at school, we are faced with a number of characteristics of diverse students. There are students who can take his learning activities smoothly and successfully without difficulty, but on the other hand, not a few students who actually experience various difficulties in learning. Students' learning difficulties indicated by the presence of certain barriers to achieve learning outcomes, and can be psychological, sociological, or physiological, which in turn can lead to academic achievement has achieved under proper.

Students who have learning difficulties such as pertained in the sense of the above would seem from the various symptoms manifested in their behavior, both aspects of psychomotor, cognitive, conative and affective. Some behaviors are a manifestation of symptoms of learning disabilities, among others:
1. Study showed that low below the average value achieved by the group or below its potential.
2. The results obtained are not commensurate with the efforts made. Perhaps there are students who are already trying to learn everything, but the value obtained is always lower
3. Slow in performing tasks and learning activities are always lagging behind his friends from the time allowed.
4. Indicate attitudes that are not fair, such as: indifference, opposition, pretend, lie, and so forth.
5. Showed behavioral disabilities, such as truancy, coming late, no homework, interfere in or even outside the classroom, refusing to record the lessons, not regularly in learning activities, and so forth.
6. Showing the emotional symptoms less reasonable, like: moody, irritable, angry, no or less cheerful in the face of certain situations. For example in dealing with low value, do not show feelings of sadness or regret, and so forth.

To be able to set a mark symptoms of learning difficulties and students who have learning difficulties, then the required criteria as a limit or standard, so that these criteria can be set to limit where students can be expected to have learning difficulties.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Karakteristik Teman Sejati Penunjang Kesuksesan

Katanya nih.... teman adalah tempat seseorang berbagi suka dan duka. Sebaik-baiknya teman haruslah membawa dampak positif pada diri seseorang. Kalau ingin mengetahui termasuk tipe orang seperti apakah kita, lihatlah teman di sekeliling kita.

Ada 4 jenis teman yang patut kita miliki.

Seperti dikutip dari Living the Resilient Life yang di tulis oleh professor psikologi Robert Wicks mengatakan ada 4 jenis teman yang patut kita cari dan masuk dalam siklus hidup manusia, yang tentunya akan membuat hidup lebih bahagia dan berkualitas. Eng... kok cuma 4 sih? Masa sih?

1. Tipe pengkritik
Teman dengan tipe jenis ini akan selalu mengingatkan ketika kita melakukan kesalahan. Tanpa diminta pun, ia akan selalu mengkritik kita bila melakukan sesuatu hal yang menyimpang. Tipe yang kayak gini sangat baik untuk mengingatkan kita pada jalan yang benar, meskipun terkadang menyakitkan mendengar kritiknya yang agak pedas. Jadi kudu kuat2in hati ya kalo dikritik, anggaplah kritikan itu saran yang membangun.

2. Tipe pendukung

Anda yang memiliki teman seperti ini sangat beruntung, karena teman tipe ini akan selalu mendukung apa yang Anda lakukan dan ikut bahagia dengan kesuksesan Anda. Anda akan selalu merasa semangat dan termotivasi bila berada dekat-dekat dengannya.
Ini temen yang paling enak nih, apapun yang kita lakukan kalo merasa pesimis tinggal curhat aja ke dia, jadi deh kita merasa optimis lagi hehehe...

3. Tipe penggembira
Mungkin tipe seperti ini yang lebih banyak disukai. Teman dengan tipe penggembira akan selalu membuat Anda ceria kembali di saat sedih dan berduka. rasanya tidak lengkap jika berkumpul tapi tidak ada teman Anda yang satu ini. Di saat Anda frustasi dan depresi, teman tipe inilah yang lebih banyak membuat Anda tertawa.

Nyari yang penggembira kayak gini gampang dan banyak banget, makannya kadang ada yang bilang berasa gak punya teman deket karena seluruh teman2nya itu cuma penggembira buatnya, hanya hadir pada saat senang dan menghilang pada saat kita susah. Yah temen yang kayak gini gak bisa disalahkan sih... tapi kita jadi tahu dan bisa memilih kan mana yang bisa diajak seneng dan mana yang bisa diajak susah.

4. Tipe pembimbing
Anda akan merasa lebih bahagia ketika memiliki teman tipe ini. Berada di sekitarnya akan membuat Anda merasa tenang dan damai. Ia pun akan selalu memberi masukan dan nasihat yang berguna dikala Anda membutuhkannya. Rasanya hidup Anda menjadi terarah karena ada teman yang memberi masukan penting untuk hidup Anda.

Ini nih tipe yang suka nasehat hahaha saya justru paling sebel kalo dapat temen kayak gini. Bukan bukannya saya gak mau dinasehati tapi kadang cara menasehatinya itu berasa tua banget, cara penyampaiannya gak asik. Coba nih ya kalo caranya asyik.. gak menggurui, gak kayak diceramahin ustad, atau diomelin guru pasti pesannya lebih masuk.


He said .... friend is a place someone to share joy and sorrow. His best friend must have a positive impact on one's self. If you want to know whether the type of people like us, look at the friends around us.

There are four kinds of friends that we ought to have.

As quoted from Living the Resilient Life which was written by a professor of psychology Robert Wicks said there are four kinds of friends who deserve our search and enter in the human life cycle, which will surely make your life happier and quality. Eng ... why only 4 anyway? The time anyway?

1. Type critics
Friends with the type of this type will always be reminded when we make mistakes. Without being asked anything, he will always criticize us when are doing something wrong. Type that is very good like this to remind us of the true path, although sometimes painful to hear a rather scathing critique. So if ya heart kuat2in kudu criticized, suppose that the criticism was constructive suggestions.

2. Type of support

You who have friends like this are very lucky, because a friend of this type will always support what you do and go happy with your success. You will always feel the spirit and motivated when you're near it.
It's the most delicious temen nih, whatever we do feel pessimistic about living vent if aja to him, so we feel optimistic again deh hehehe ...

3. Type cheerleaders
Perhaps this type is more preferred. Browse by type cheerleaders will always make you happy again at the time of sadness and mourning. incomplete if it does not gather your friends but nothing on this one. When you are frustrated and depressed, a friend of this type more to make you laugh.

Nyari the cheerleaders like this is easy and there are loads, ate some say tasteless sometimes have not got a friend near teman2nya it's just because all her cheerleaders, only present at the happy and disappeared by the time we hard. Well friends that like this can not blame it ... but we so know and where you can choose who can be happy and which ones can be invited trouble.

4. Type mentors
You will feel happier when a friend of this type. Being around him will make you feel calm and peaceful. He will always give feedback and useful advice dikala you need it. It feels your life into focus because a friend gave important input for your life.

This is the type who likes advice nih hahaha most resentful if I can just friends like this. Not that I'm not is not advised, but occasionally advise him how old it really taste, not how cool delivery. Try if how fun .. not patronizing, not like diceramahin cleric, or a teacher diomelin certainly more incoming message.

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

You're on the phone
With your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about
Something that you said
She doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in my room
It's a typical tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
She doesn't like
She'll never know your story
Like I do

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain
And i'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That i'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
You belong with me.

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey whatchu doing
With a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That i'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
Standing by and
Waiting at your backdoor
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me.


Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That i'm the one
Who understands
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me?

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

The best thing about tonight’s that we’re not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don’t think that I am trying
I know you’re wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You’re impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I’d never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It’s impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I’m yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You’re impossible to find


Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Justin Bieber Skit On SNL

Peraturan - peraturan Aneh & Lucu di Seluruh Dunia

Dilarang keluar rumah tanpa mengenakan celana dalam.

Untuk mengurangi tingkat kemacatan lalu lintas kota Manila , ditetapkan bahwa :
Kendaraan bernomor akhir 1 atau 2 tidak diizinkan beroperasi di hari Senin.
Sedangkan angka 3 & 4 tidak boleh di hari Selasa, 5 & 6 tidak boleh di hari Rabu, 7 & 8 tidak boleh di hari Kamis, 9 & 0 tidak boleh di hari Jumat. Peraturan ini berlaku sejak pukul 07.00 pagi setiap harinya.

a. Dilarang berkebun di hari minggu. Alasannya : BERISIK!!!
b. Walau warga Swiss dilarang menjual, membeli, menyelundupkan, dan memproduksi minuman beralkohol, tapi mereka diizinkan untuk mengkonsumsinya.
Dilarang mengecat rumah tanpa ijin dari pemerintah dan harus menggunakan cat yang sudah mendapat sertifikat / ijin dari pemerintah.

Para polisi wajib melaporkan jumlah uang suap yang mereka terima dari para pengendara yang mereka tilang.

a. Dilarang menjual Permen karet di Singapura.
b. Dilarang berjalan tanpa busana (bugil)
c. Tidak menyiram setelah buang air di toilet, dapat dikenakan denda.
d. Jika Anda tertangkap basah meludah sebanyak 3X, Anda diwajibkan membersihkan jalan di hari Minggu dengan menenteng tulisan di dada “I am a Litterer” (Saya seorang Peludah)
e. Dilarang pipis di dalam lift / elevator.
a. Dilarang menjual sayuran di hari minggu (kecuali wortel).
b. Wanita dilarang makan coklat di tempat umum.
c. Mengambil barang yang dibuang, dapat diancam hukuman Pidana Terorisme.

a. Wanita yang bekerja di kantor pemerintahan dilarang mengenakan rok mini atau pakaian yang dapat “memprovokasi” rekan kerja selama jam kerja.
b. Dilarang memaki di tempat umum.

a. Pria yang mengenakan rok mini di tempat umum dikenakan hukuman kurungan.
b. Memukul orang dengan kepalan tangan diancam hukum pidana penganiayaan. Tapi menghajar orang dengan meja dan kursi dapat dianggap membela diri.

a. Anak-anak berusia di atas 18 tahun (dibawah 21) dilarang membeli rokok, tapi diizinkan merokok.
b. Dilarang mengangkat telepon pada deringan pertama.
c. Hanya Petugas Listrik berizin yang boleh mengganti lampu rumah.
d. Dilarang mengenakan celana Hot Pink di hari minggu.

Dilarang mengenakan topi di stadium olahraga, karena dapat mengganggu pandangan orang lain.

Hanya anak cerdas yang boleh kuliah (dan ini harus bisa dibuktikan dengan ijazah ujian Negara yang diterimanya) .

a. Dilarang mencopot plester luka di tempat umum.
b. Dilarang menyirami tananam di kebun saat sedang hujan.
c. Dilarang pipis di semua tempat di Kanada (kecuali toilet rumah Anda sendiri).
d. Dilarang memanjat pohon.

a. Dilarang berciuman di kereta bawah tanah.
b. Dilarang menamai babi peliharaan Anda “Napoleon”.

a. Dilarang memelihara babi di tanah Israel . Orang yang melakukannya akan ditembak mati.
b. Dilarang ngupil di hari Sabat (Sabtu / Minggu).
c. Dilarang naik sepeda, kecuali punya izin mengendarai sepeda.

a. Pemerintah Arizona melarang para pemburu melakukan aktivitas pemburuan onta di Arizona. (Masalahnya : Onta tidak hidup / tidak ada di Arizona. Lalu buat apa memberlakukan undang-undang itu?)
b. Dilarang menirukan gaya Pendeta / Pastor setempat.
c. Dilarang mengendarai mobil tanpa sepatu.
d. Dilarang bermain domino di hari Minggu.
e. Dilarang memakai kumis palsu di gereja.
f. Hukuman mati diberlakukan bagi siapapun yang menaburkan garam di atas rel kereta api.
g. Dilarang mengendarai mobil dengan mata tertutup.

a. Dilarang memfoto beruang yang lagi tidur.
b. Dilarang mengikat anjing peliharaan di atas kap / atap mobil.
c. Dilarang memberi minum bir pada rusa.
d. Dilarang berjalan-jalan sambil membawa busur dan anak panah.

a. Pria diizinkan memukuli istrinya, tapi tidak boleh lebih dari 1 kali sebulan.
b. Dilarang memelihara buaya di dalam bathtub.
c. Pria dan wanita yang ketahuan saling menggoda di tengah jalan, akan dikenakan 30 hari penjara.
d. Dilarang membawa sapi berjalan-jalan di jalan utama setelah lewat jam 1 dini hari di hari Minggu.

a. Binatang peliharaan dilarang dibiarkan berhubungan intim di sekitar lokasi sekolah, taman, dan tempat ibadah.
b. Wanita dilarang mengendarai mobil mengenakan daster.
c. Mobil tanpa pengemudi dilarang ngebut di jalan.
d. Dilarang bersepeda di kolam renang.
e. Dilarang mengenakan sepatu boot koboi, kecuali Anda memelihara sapi minimal 2 ekor.
f. Dilarang memelihara binatang berwarna hijau dan berbau menyengat.
g. Dilarang bermain bowling di trotoar.

a. Dilarang berdebat dengan polisi, kecuali kendaraan Anda dihentikan olehnya.
b. Dilarang mendirikan bangunan di tengah jalan.

a. Dilarang mengendarai sepeda dengan kecepatan lebih dari 90 km / jam.
b. Pria dilarang mencium istrinya di hari Minggu.
c. Mobil pemadam kebakaran tidak diizinkan ngebut lebih dari 40 km / jam, walau sedang menuju ke lokasi kebakarang sekalipun.
d. Penata rias / kecantikan dilarang bersiul, berdendang, ataupun bernyanyi saat melayani pelanggan.

a. Konstitusi Negara menjamin babi-babi hamil bebas dari ancaman penjara, untuk tindakan apapun yang mereka lakukan.
b. Denda akan diberikan pada wanita yang tertidur saat rambutnya di-hair dryer, kecuali dia adalah pemilik salon.
c. Dilarang bernyanyi di depan umum sambil mengenakan pakaian renang.
d. Dilarang kentut di tempat umum setelah jam 6 sore.
e. Dilarang memecahkan piring dan gelas lebih dari 3 buah sehari.

a. Dilarang menyapa orang sambil ngupil.
b. Dilarang mengenakan sandal setelah lewat jam 10 malam.
c. Pria dilarang keluar dengan mengenakan jaket dan celana yang gak matching.
d. Pria dilarang keluar rumah topless (tidak mengenakan baju atasan). (FYI : Ini adalah hukum tertua di New York karena telah diberlakukan sejak tahun 1900.)
e. Dilarang menyeruput sup.
f. Dilarang makan sambil berenang di lautan.

a. Dilarang menyusui anak di tempat umum.
b. Dilarang menari dan minum di waktu bersamaan.

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Nidji - Dosakah Aku

dosakah aku mencintaimu...

aku manjadi...diri sendiri...
tak peduli...apa kata dunia...
ku nanti hari ketika...
cinta datang...cinta menang...

jadi sayangku...bertahanlah...
bila terkadang mulutnya kejam...

peluklah aku...jangan menyerah...
mereka bukan hakim kita...

bintang yang mempertemukan kita...
cinta yang mempertahankan kita...
ooh...tuhan dengarkan doa...
dari cinta yang terlarang...

rasa yang mempersatukan kita...
cinta yang mempertahan kita...
ooh...tuhan dengarkan doa...
dari cinta yang terlarang...

cinta dan rasa bersatu di doa...
berharap cinta kita yang terlarang...
berharap cinta kita yang kan menang...

Padi - Terbakar Cemburu

Aku terbakar cemburu
cemburu buta
tak bisa ku padamkan amarah dihatiku
sakit menahan sakit hati
menyimpan perih
tak bisa ku terima apa yang ku alami

Ibaratnya jantung hati
tersayat oedang tajam
betapa sakitnya
ku rasakan itu

Dan kini aku tahu ku sangat
begitu dalamnya aku sungguh mencintaimu
mungkin selama ini ku salah
tak pernah pedulikanmu setulusnya hatiku

Ku akui ternyata
sakitnya membakar hati
sudah membuatmu pergi
kini hanya tinggalkan luka

Begitu dalamnya aku sungguh mencintaimu
mungkin selama ini aku salah
tak pernah pedulikanmu setulusnya hatiku

Mungkin selama ini ku salah

Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - Ya Sudahlah !

Ketika mimpimu yg begitu indah,
tak pernah terwujud..ya sudahlah
Saat kau berlari mengejar anganmu,
dan tak pernah sampai..ya sudahlah (hhmm)

Apapun yg terjadi, ku kan slalu ada untukmu
Janganlah kau bersedih..coz everything's gonna be OKAY

yo..Satu dari sekian kemungkinan
kau jatuh tanpa ada harapan
saat itu raga kupersembahkan
bersama jiwa, cita,cinta dan harapan

Kita sambung satu persatu sebab akibat
tapi tenanglah mata hati kita kan lihat
menuntun ke arah mata angin bahagia
kau dan aku tahu,jalan selalu ada

juga ku tahu lagi problema kan terus menerjang
bagai deras ombak yang menabrak karang
namun ku tahu..ku tahu kau mampu tuk tetap tenang
hadapi ini bersamaku hingga ajal datang

Sempat kau berharap keramahan cinta,
tak pernah kau dapat..ya sudahlah
yeeah..dengar ku bernyanyi..lalalalalala
heyyeye yaya dedudedadedudedudidam..semua ini belum *****hir

back to *reff

satukan langkah..langkah yg beriring!
genggam hati, rangkul emosi!

Genggamlah hatiku, satukan langkah kita

Sama rasa, tanpa pamrih
ini cinta..across da sea

peluklah diriku..terbanglah bersamaku, melayang jauh.. (come fly with me, baby)

Ini aku dari ujung rambut menyusur jemari
sosok ini yg menerima kelemahan hati
yea..aku cinta kau..(ini cinta kita)
cukup satu waktu yes.(untuk satu cinta)

satu cinta ini akan tuntun jalanku
rapatkan jiwamu yo tenang disisiku
rebahkan rasamu..untuk yg ditunggu

back to *reff (together) 3x

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Chris Brown - Superhuman

I have been crying and crying for weeks
How'd I survive when I can barely speak
Barely eat, On my knees

But that's the moment you came to me
You don't know what your love has done to me
Think I'm invincible
I see though the me I used to be

You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did this to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human (I feel so superhuman X2)
Super human

Since I've been flying and writing the wrongs
Feels almost like I've had it all along
I can see tomorrow

Well every problem is gone because
I flew everywhere with love inside of me
It's unbelievable to see how love can set me free

You changed my whole life (life)
Don't know what your doing to me with your love (uh-huh)
I'm feeling all super human, you did this to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human (I feel so superhuman X2)
Super human

It's not a bird, not a plane
It's my heart and it's going, gone away
My only weakness is you
Only reason is you
Every minute with you
I can feel like I can do anything
I'm Going going, gone away love

You changed my whole life (oh uh)
Don't know what your doing to me with your love (to me with your love)
I'm feeling all super human, you did this to me, yeah
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human

Chris Brown - With You

I need you boo, (oh)
I gotta see you boo (hey)
And the hearts all over the world tonight,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight [2x]
[Verse 1]
Hey! Little mama,
Ooh, you’re a stunner
Hot… little figure,
Yes, you’re a winner
And I’m so glad to be yours,
You’re a class all your own
Oh, little cutie
When… you talk to me
I swear… the whole world stops
You’re my sweetheart
And I’m so glad that you are mine
You are one of a kind and…
You mean to me
What I mean to you and…
Together baby,
There is nothing we won’t do
’cause if I got you,
I don’t need money,
I don’t need cars,
Girl, you’re my all.
I’m into you,
And girl,
No one else would do,
’cause with every kiss and every hug,
You make me fall in love,
And now I know I can’t be the only one,
I bet there heart’s all over the world tonight,
With the love of they life who feel…
Wat I feel when I’m
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
[Verse 2]
Oh girl!
I don’t want nobody else,
Without you, there’s no one left then,
You’re like Jordans on Saturday,
I gotta have you and I cannot wait now,
Hey! Little shawty,
Say you care for me,
You know I care for you,
You know… that I’ll be true,
You know that I won’t lie,
You know that I would try,
To be your everything… yeah…
’cause if I got you,
I don’t need money,
I don’t need cars,
Girl, you’re my all.
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
Yeah Heh…
[Bridge 2]
And I…
Will never try to deny,
That you’re my whole life,
’cause if you ever let me go,
I would die…
So I won’t front,
I don’t need another woman,
I just need your all and nothing,
’cause if I got that,
Then I’ll be straight
Baby, you’re the best part of my day
I need you boo,
I gotta see you boo
And the hearts all over the world tonight,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight [x2]
Woo Oh… Yeah
They need it boo,
They gotta see their boo,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight,
Hearts all over the world tonight [x2]
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you

Joe Jonas - I Gotta Find You

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Oh yeah
Yeah yeah

You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you I'll be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost, can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I want to be
Oh next to you... and you next to me
Oh I need to find you... yeah

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you (yeah)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Yeah, yeah... I gotta find you

Demi Lovato - This Is Me

I’ve always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I’ve got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I’m gonna let it show
It’s time to let you know
to let you know

This is real
This is me
I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now
Gonna let light shine on me
Now I’ve found who I am
There’s no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me
Do you know what it’s like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you’re the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it’s too far away
I’ve got to believe in myself
It’s the only way
This is real
This is me
I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now
Gonna let light shine on me
Now I’ve found who I am
There’s no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me
You’re the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I’m singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You’re the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
This is real
This is me
I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now
Gonna let light shine on me
Now I’ve found who I am
There’s no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me
You’re the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
This is me
You’re the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I’m singing
Now I’ve found who I am
There’s no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I wanna be
This is me

Iyaz - Replay

Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)

Remember the first time we met
You was at the mall wit yo friend
I was scared to approach ya
But then you came closer
Hopin' you would give me a chance

Who would have ever knew
That we would ever be more than friends
We're real worldwide, breakin all the rules
She like a song played again and again

That girl, like somethin off a poster
That girl, is a dime they say
That girl, is a gun to my holster
She's runnin through my mind all day, ay

Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)

See you been all around the globe
Not once did you leave my mind
We talk on the phone, from night til the morn
Girl you really changed my life
Doin things I never do
I'm in the kitchin cookin things she likes

We're real worldwide, breakin all the rules
Someday I wanna make you my wife
That girl, like somethin off a poster
That girl, is a dime they say
That girl, is the gun to my holster
She's runnin through my mind all day, ay

Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)

I can be your melody
Oh girl that could write you a symphony
The one that could fill your fantasies
So come baby girl let's sing with me
Ay, I can be your melody
Oh girl that could write you a symphony
The one that could fill your fantasies
So come baby girl let's sing with me

Ay, na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na
Shawty got me singin
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Now she got me singin

Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)

Kei$ha - Tiktok

Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy
(Hey, what up girl?)
Got my glasses on, I’m out the door
I’m gonna hit this city (Lets go)
Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
Cause when I leave for the night, I ain’t coming back
I’m talking - pedicure on our toes, toes
Trying on all our clothes, clothes
Boys blowing up our phones, phones
Drop-topping, playing our favorite cds
Pulling up to the parties
Trying to get a little bit tipsy
Don’t stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Till we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don’t stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh [x2]
Ain’t got a care in world, but got plenty of beer
Ain’t got no money in my pocket, but I’m already here
And now the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger
But we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger
I’m talking about - everybody getting crunk, crunk
Boys trying to touch my junk, junk
Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk
Now, now - we goin till they kick us out, out
Or the police shut us down, down
Police shut us down, down
Po-po shut us -
Don’t stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Till we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don’t stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh [x2]
DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
You got me now
You got that sound
Yea, you got me
DJ, you build me up
You break me down
My heart, it pounds
Yeah, you got me
With my hands up
Put your hands up
Put your hands up
No, the party don’t start til I walk in
Don’t stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, Imma fight
Till we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don’t stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh [x2]

Justin Bieber - Never Let You Go

Ohh, No, Ohh No, Ohhh
They say that hate has been sent
So let loose the talk of love
Before they outlaw the kiss
Baby, give me one last hug
There’s a dream
That I’ve been chasing
Want so badly for it to be reality
(Reality, reality)
And when you hold my hand
Then I understand
That it’s meant to be
It’s like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven
Cuz when i stare in your eyes,
It couldn’t be better.
Let the music blast
We gon’ do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don’t matter at all
Cuz this life’s too long
And this love’s too strong
So baby know for sho’
I’ll never let you go
I got my favorite girl
Not feelin’ no pain, no fear
Oh no, don’t have a care in the World
Why would I, when you are here
There’s a moment I’ve been chasin
And I finally caught it out on This floor
Baby, theres no hesitation,
No reservation by taking a chance And more, noo, because
It’s like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn’t be better
Let the music blast
We gon’ do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don’t matter at all
Cuz this life’s too long
And this love’s too strong
So baby know for sho’
I’ll never let you go
It’s like an angel came by and Took me to heaven
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn’t be better
So take my hand, let’s just dance
Watch my feet, follow me
Don’t be scared, girl I’m here
If you didn’t know,
This is loooovee, ohhhh
Let the music blast
We gon’ do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don’t matter at all
Cuz this life’s too long
And this love’s to strong
So baby know for sho’
I’ll never let you goooooo
I’ll never let you go
Ohh, No, Ohh No, Ohhh
I’ll never let you go
ohhhhh, ohhhhh
I’ll never let you go

Justin Bieber - Love Me

My friends say I’m a fool to think
That you’re the one for me
I guess I’m just a sucker for love
‘Cuz honestly the truth is that
You know I’m never leavin’
‘Cuz you’re my angel sent from above
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I’ll put nothin above ya. above ya
Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, Kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you (love me)
Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, Kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me u love me
People try to tell me
But I still refuse to listen
Cuz they don’t get to spend time with you
A minute with you is worth more than
A thousand days without your love, oh your love
Baby you can do no wrong
My money is yours
Give you little more because I love ya, love ya
With me, girl, is where you belong
Just stay right here
I promise my dear I’ll put nothin above ya. above ya
Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me , kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me.
Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me , kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me.
My heart is blind but I don’t care
‘Cuz when I’m with you everything has disappeared
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go, oh
Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me , kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me.
Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me , kiss me
Say that u miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me

Justin Bieber - Kiss And Tell

Yeah, whoa,
No, noo,

Now I can see it girl,
You ain't gotta say nothing
Your lips are callin me,
Like they wanna do something,

I feel the chemistry,
With everything we make,
A little kiss is a definite possibility,
Seen you a couple times,
Had a couple conversations,
Since you’ve been on my mind,
Made a couple observations,

Like you’re a fly chick,
You could be my chick,
Play by the rules and
You could get what I get,

Just keep it quiet,
Keep it on the hush
(Yeah, yeah)
And what we do keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)

I don't want to see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,

Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips
Like this,

So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,

Its called a date short,
No one has to do with it,
Just you and me girl,
Tell em' we’re doin it,

Don't need that TMZ,
All in our privacy,
Use em' lips for kissin girl,
If you wanna ride with me,

And if you wanna tell somebody,
Then we can call the whole thing off,
(No Problem)

You can go your way,
And I'll go mine,
But I rather spend a little time with you,

Just keep it quiet,
(Yeah, yeah)
Keep it on the hush,
And what we do,
Keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)

I don't wanna see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,

Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,

So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted with your lips,
Girl are you gonna kiss and tell,

Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,

Don't tell your homies,
Don't tell you mama,
Don't tell your girlfriend,
That’ll start some drama,

Stay off that facebook,
I'll treat you real good,
You keep this private,
And you can get what I get,

Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody,
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,

So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me,
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,

Kiss and tell,
Whoa, whoa

I’m not about that,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell
Noo, no, no
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
That’s not me

Justin Bieber - Favorite Girl

Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh

I’ve always known you were the best
The coolest girl I know, So prettier than
All the rest the star of all the show.
So many times I wish you could be the one for me
I never knew you’d be like this girl, what you do
To me.

Your who I’m thinking of
Girl you’re my runner up no matter what, your
Always number one, My prized possesion, one and
Only, adore you girl I want you. The one I can't
Live without, that’s you, that’s you.
You’re my precious little lady, the one that
Make’s me crazy, Of all the girls I’ve ever
Known , It’s you, it’s you.
My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my
Favorite girl, my favorite girl,
Your always goin out your way to impress
These mr.wrongs, I never knew you’d
Get like this I’ll take you as you are,
You always said believe in love, it’s a dream
That can’t be real, never thought of fairytales
I’ll show you how it feels. Your who I’m
Thinking of, girl you're my runner up,
No matter what your always number one.
My prized possesion one and only, adore ya
Girl I want you, of all the girls I’ve ever
Known it’s you, it's you, you’re my precious
Little lady, the one that makes me crazy of all the girls I’ve ever known it’s you, it’s you.
My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my
Favorite girl, my favorite girl.

You take my breathe away, with every thing
You say. I just wanna be with you my baby,
My baby, ohhh. My miss don’t play no games,
Treats you no other way, that you deserve,
Cause you’re the girl of my dreams.

My prize position one and only, adore you
Girl I want you, the one I can’t live
Without, that’s you, that’s you.
You’re my precious little lady, the one that
Makes me crazy of all the girls I’ve ever
Known it’s you, it’s you, ohhhh
I want you ohhh it’s you, it’s you.
My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my
Favorite girl, my favorite girl.

It’s you

i love youu justinn!

Justin Bieber - Eenie Meenie

Eenie meenie miney mo
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go

Shes indecisive
She cant decide
She keeps on looking
From left to right

Girl, come a bit closer
Look in my eyes
Searching is so wrong
I'm Mr. Right

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after the song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Don't leave me out here dancing alone

You cant make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time
I'm not trying to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover

Let me show you what your missin'
With me you're winning girl
You don't have to roll the dice
Tell me what you're really here for
Them other guys?
I can see right through ya

You seem like the type
To love em and leave em
And disappear right after the song.
So give me the night
To show you, hold you
Don't leave me out here dancing alone

Cant make up your mind , mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time
Not trying to rewind,wind, wind,wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

Cause shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover

Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her go
Eenie meenie miney moe
Catch a bad chick by her toe
If she holla (holla holla let let let) let her go

Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover

You Cant make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time
I'm Not trying to rewind, wind, wind, wind
I wish our hearts could come together as one

shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover
shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover

Justin Bieber - One Time

ustMe plus you, I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
One time, one time

When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop
And even though it's a struggle love is all we got
And we gon' keep keep climbing to the mountain top

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my #1 girl
Always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

You look so deep, you know that it humbles me
You're by my side, them troubles them not trouble me
Many have called but the chosen is you
Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my #1 girl
Always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

Shawty right there
She's got everything I need
And I'ma tell her one time
Give you everything you need down to my last dime

She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side
'Cause she is the one

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'ma be your one guy
You'll be my #1 girl
Always making time for you
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time
One time, one time

Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl

Alright let's go
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (ha)

How many I told you’s and start overs
And shoulders have you cried on before
How many promises be honest girl
How many tears you let hit the floor
How many bags you packed
Just to take ‘em back tell me that
How many either or's but no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be the one less lonely girl

Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you (I'm coming for you)
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in the world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what you're worth (That's what I'm gonna do)
If you let me inside your world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl

Christmas wasn’t merry, 14th of February not one of them spent with you
How many dinner dates set dinner plates and
He didn’t even touch his food
How many torn photographs saw you taping back

Tell me that couldn’t see an open door
But no more
If you let me inside of your world
There'll be one less lonely girl

Ohh Oh Oh
Saw so many pretty faces
Before I saw you you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you
Noo No
Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you’re mine in this world
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(There's gonna be) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) I'm gonna put you first
(I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you’re worth
(Thats what I'm gunna do)If you let me inside of your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I can fix up your broken heart
I can give you a brand new start
I can make you believe (yeah)
I just wanna set one girl free to fall,
Free to fall (she's free to fall)
Fall in love
With me

Her hearts locked and nowhere to get the key
I’ll take her and leave the world with one less lonely girl

There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
There’s gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl
(I'm coming for you)One less lonely girl
Theres gunna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)
I'm gunna put you first (I'm coming for you)
I'll show you what your worth (That's what I gotta do)
If you let me inside your world
There's gunna be one less lonely girl